This video tutorial will show you how to make your own portables using a program called ThinApp which is also included in this download.The video will show you step by step on how to prepare your system and what you should know on how to use and create working portables that will not only run on your system but on others as well.
I have covered everything you need to know from start to winrar-ing your portable the proper way so it can be uploaded to your file host
service and S.A. including some short-cuts and tips to make more simple.
I have also included Thinapp v.4.0 in this tutorial so you can start making your own portables right after watching the video Tutorial.
I also included Power ISO v.4.5 as this is a good ISO program for burning and mounting ISO files a must for games and larger files.
You may how-ever decide to use your own software these are just an optional extra.
I hope this tutorial will help not only the members who know how to use ThinApp but to help new members learn as well.
Thank you for kind comments on my posts and your support of my work.
I did the best I could with what I had to work with and hope this helps some memmbers with the issues they were having as I was told.
I know there are many other ways to do portables but this tutorial is meant to be an easy front door approach that I can say after you watch it
you will be able to not only make a portable....but ones that will work on other pc's 100% of the time.
There are some times factors that cannot be solved in the making of all portables its a touch and go trial and error learning time.
so keep this in mind when you first start off but for the most it's very simple once you learn it.
One thing I can say with 100% is that those who did not know how or what a potable was before will be making them within 2 hours after watching this
desk-top video captured tutorial with the aid of my nararation and pointing and zooming software I used to create it.
I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to seeing your portables on S.A in the very near future there was a sound video glitch just at the end
so I over dubbed it with one music song with visual effects just to end the tutorial off ok.
Thank you and go make those portables lol
Drag or extract the video file to your Hard-drive and Play with any MediaPlayer of your preference.
The 2 programs are optional just do the same as with the video.
The programs come with full install and easy serial txt file to register no cracks just the way I like them.
You can choose not to use them and get the latest versions or what ever you prefer these are just optional to get you started ok.
All software bundled in this Tutorial was Tested clean with (AVAST AVG) (SPYBOT SPY SWEEPER) and checked for RootKit as well all came up clean
Have been using these 2 programs for 1 or more years now with no problems.
Download From Hotfile
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