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Sunday, January 3, 2010

MKV Player

The Matroska video container, MKV for short, has become an increasingly popular video format in recent years. Seen by many as a 'DivX killer', Matroska supports high definition content, surround sound, subtitles and more - all in the one file.
MKV Player, as the name suggests, is a free application that's designed to let you watch MKV files on your computer. And if that's all you're looking to do, MKV Player may suffice. Possibly. The truth is that MKV Player is not a very well designed piece of software. Testing our default .MKV file, it threw up numerous problems (including the classic 'Could not open file' error, which displayed as the file played).
MKV Player's user interface is entirely non-standard, consisting of two overlay menus that appear on top of your video if your mouse goes over their location. There is nothing in the program to suggest that any menu or button is available, until you blindly stumble upon it. The controls themselves are very basic: a stop button, a pause button which is named 'Play' just to confuse; and a seek bar that throws up another error message. Double-clicking the video window enables full-screen mode. There are no help options provided.
This is a program which just about manages to perform its most basic function. As long as you don't want to skip forward or back in a video, or make use of the advanced features that Matroska is famous for, you could foreseeably be only slightly disappointed with it.
While the Matroska Multimedia Container is a powerful and popular format, MKV Player simply doesn't do it justice. Softonic does not recommend it. Our strong advice is that you download VLC Player or KMPlayer instead.



MKV Player supports the following formats:


OS requirements for MKV Player:

  • OS: Windows XP 

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